When Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu whipped out a drawing pad, marker and a pre-prepared sketch to illustrate his speech at the United Nations this week, spoofs of the drawing went viral online.
Like a moth to the flame, Netanyahu’s “bomb cartoon” – used to depict the perceived Iranian nuclear threat – drew in the mocking masses.
Pulling out a red marker at one point, Netanyahu drew a thick red line across the bomb graphic, showing what he said was an unacceptable threshold being approached by Iran; 90 percent of the way to the uranium enrichment needed to make an atomic bomb, according to the Associated Press.
But while some, perhaps more analytical, commentators believed Netanyahu had scored major PR points, others decided to take jabs at his attempt by drawing their own versions of what has been described as the “Bibi Bomb.”
In the photo-edited images, parts of the Israeli premier’s sketch are replaced by cartoon characters.
One shows the bomb being swapped with an “Angry Bird,” a popular cartoon game character which is repeatedly flung mid-game, much like a bomb.
In another image, lran takes on the character of Looney Tunes’ wily “Road Runner,” while Netanyahu is replaced with an image of the witless “Wile E. Coyote” - the message being, perhaps: Israel is on a fruitless chase for the quick-moving Iran.
“Bugs Bunny” also makes a cameo appearance in one of the teasing images, while in another “Batman” is seen grasping a bomb similar to that showed by Netanyahu.
And perhaps as a curtain-closer, an image which seems to mock the sketch the most, shows a frazzled Netanyahu, singed and blackened by a cartoon bomb set off by a beaming “Bugs Bunny.” The inset image says: “That’s All Folks!”
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